
By Callum Morse
Posted: May 24, 2016
By Callum Morse
Posted: September 17, 2014
Time: 10.05 AM Size: 2ft+ Wind: Strong E Rating: 5/10 Comment: Still plenty of waves kicking about, not quite as big as last night and the wind has picked up a fair bit. Hitting a bit of mid tide wobble at the moment but should be fun on the high and low tide. Get paddling, that winds killer. Dont forget
By Callum Morse
Posted: September 16, 2014
Time: 13.25 PM Size: 2ft+ Wind: Moderate E Rating: 5/10 Comment: Nice little groundswell running seems to have built a little throughout the morning. Should get better as the tide drops out. Dont forget to like the Saltshots FB page – I always post the report there first! Click the images to view it larger…