Tag: Saltshots

Tag: Saltshots

Godrevy Thursday Dec 22nd

[ad#Google Adsense] Size: 2ft+ Wind:  Moderate SW Rating: 4/10 Comment: Some semi clean 2ft plus waves rolling in at Godrevy this morning. Looks fun at the moment but might progressively get more wind torn as the SW wind picks up throughout the day. Get in now if you can. Click the image to view it larger.

Godrevy Wednesday Dec 21st

[ad#Google Adsense] Size: 2ft+ Wind:  Strong WNW Rating: 2/10 Comment: Still the same old slop rolling through at Godrevy. Looking like we could have some christmas waves on the North coast though so fingers crossed. Click the image to view it larger.

Godrevy Tuesday Dec 20th

[ad#Google Adsense] Size: 2ft+ Wind:  Strong WNW Rating: 2/10 Comment: Waves trickling in with onshore winds at around 2ft. Doesn’t look worth getting in for. Click the image to view it larger.